January 27 2010, Wednesday
Today, ah, today. To put it frankly and in modern language, it "sucks". Then again, most of my days are like that. You may think that I am stressed, perhaps you are right, but personally, I don't know. (Yeah, lousy backtalk excuse...)
Anyway, today had me piled with homework, what with all the Chinese worksheets, compositions, and workbook stuff. To top it off, TfU projects have started, and I have to stay back extra everyday for third language. (Pain...boredom!) And not getting much rest time in between. "This seriously adds to my low esteem." I lament to myself on the bus.
This has happened numerous times, but no matter the amount, I will have this feeling of great burden.
Time management is your best friend right? Of course, but it doesn't give you much freedom.
Put simply, you cannot have your cake and eat it too. (Goes off to sob due to hunger :D)
That was a joke, and laughter helps to ease the pain well. Having supportive people in your immediate surroundings are key to having laughter, but for me, I always decide to keep my problems to myself.
Positive thinking helps you a LOT, because you will then have motivation and so-called vision to have your work done, being negative and complaining just puts you and yourself down.
To make a long story short, think straight and do your work.
I make sure I get relaxing time by myself.
As I take breaks, I turn on the music to destress, then return to my work.
Oh look at the time, I have to finish my pile of work now.Stress chart?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Stress, its effects and negativity
Posted by Shawn at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
Yesterday was an ODD day...
January 24, 2010, Sunday (Yesterday, I know. But I had to write it today instead.)
Yesterday...so what about yesterday? What's so special? I do not know, maybe because I woke up at TWELVE O'CLOCK in the afternoon (and more, read on)? The night before, yours truly had gone to bed at eleven thirty PM. (Well, I came home late after returning from my cousin's house and wanted to watch TV a bit, can't help it.)
I woke up at six AM, and said to myself, "Oh great, too accustomed to hectic school life. Go back to sleep Shawn." Again my eyes opened at eight AM, however much I wanted my body to lift itself of the bed, my back ached and I went to sleep again. And I woke at 12, but what was weird, was that I felt very "woozy", vision blurring slightly and senses not turned on fully.
You would think a long sleep would make you refreshed right?
Wrong. I walked to the toilet and had my left arm clash with the stainless steel door frame. Yes, a bit of a bad idea sleeping too long. Then it appeared I forgot where I put my toothbrush, and found it where it was last night. (What can I say?)
So at around 4PM, my father decided to head out to Ang Mo Kio to buy some dinner. (Because the fried noodles there is simply scrumptious.)
Still feeling a bit clumsy, my father and I went out to buy food. Fortunately, getting some fresh air and sunlight helped A LOT.
And dinner too. The spiciness of my noodles woke me up well. (It is about time, 7PM...)
Posted by Shawn at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Alone, with two enjoyable products.
January 23 2010, Saturday
Today was a busy day. I had CCA practice in the morning, for which I woke up at seven in the morning. After which I went to school for CCA. It ended at twelve PM, then I met up with my friend Jasman to go to his house and do some project work with our group. (Which ended around 5PM)
But the whole point of the post, is about what happened in the evening. My uncle and aunt who had a dinner to attend, had asked of me to take care of my 7-year old cousin. Naturally and only correctly, I had to agree. (Something adults or elders that you are affiliated with had the power to do, yes, it's quite a pain at times.) So after my project work, I took the MRT to 7-year-old Owen's house.
Thankfully, my uncle had coaxed him to sleep so I could relax and use his Xbox 360. I was glad I had this opportunity, and thanked them.
After checking the house for any oddities after they left, I finally turned on the Xbox 360 and Halo 3, which I began to play by myself.
As a fan of the series, Halo 3 campaign was fun to play alone with many alien enemies, Covenant, to stop from taking over the Earth's artifacts.
Playing solo as the Master Chief (a generic name I think), a supersoldier tasked with the protection of humanity, was indeed a fun experience. Utilizing a wide range of weaponry, from human assault rifles to plasma rifles, stopping the Covenant requires much tact. I mean, you wouldn't run into a massive battle with nothing but a weak Plasma Pistol right?
Video I found on Youtube of the first level.
I enjoyed myself thoroughly, up till the return of Owen's parents. "Shawn, thanks for staying over for awhile, just to make sure nothing happened to the house." My aunt said.
"Don't mention it, in fact I wished I could stay longer!" I smiled, what I said was pretty true...
Posted by Shawn at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
At school, some funny stuff.
January 18 2010 Monday (like who doesn't know?)
Today was a fine day at school, by that I mean not much homework and stuff to stress over. I detest stressing over something like a test, it makes life hard. Anyway, during Character Development class, at our classroom (duh), nine o'clock in the morning, we learnt the importance of being a RESILIENT person. It is good to be resilient, because if you give up when you fail, you will never succeed. (Bah, I just ripped this off of the video itself but whatever.)
Then my group discussed our weaknesses, mine being procrastination. Funny suggestions were made, Nicholas said put a picture of some person who failed his exams and write, "I procrastinated, got F9." I thought that was a pretty good idea so I'm going to write it on a notepad. (Heh, this blog entry was made so fast because of Rafid's suggestion to force yourself to do work.)
So...the rest of the day was pretty mundane, with a few inappropriate jokes that I shall not post.
I mean, none of you are 'sick' right?
At Bahasa Indonesia lesson, from one forty PM to half past three, we had some fun stuff.
I was in the same group as Joseph, Yongzhi and Brandon, and we were supposed to play Bahasa Indonesia Scrabble, writing down the words and their meanings as we went along.
We found stuff like mutation, rights, only, essence, God (yeah after some 'debating'), mother, chest, coconut shell, noodles. (While thinking, Yongzhi's scrabble words formed Ris Low's name hahaha)
Then we were supposed to make sentences with them. I came up with one, and said, "Mak dadak mutasi, dada ronda perubahan!" At this the table laughed hysterically and I literally felt giddy.
It meant: Mother suddenly mutated, chest change colour!
Yongzhi made two, he said one meant how to get out of the house without using the doorknob.
The other involved eating noodles out of a coconut shell.PLUS
EQUALS Coconut noodles!
Posted by Shawn at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Today's Family Gathering...
Sunday, January 17th 2010
I'll start out by just saying the occasion, today is my cousin, Brandon's birthday. Naturally, he wanted a party for the day he turns the age of eleven. (And he was adamant about it, recounting last November, at our grandmother's house. He thought quite far ahead as to how it would be held. Jumping about and explaining to his elders.)
So anyway, this afternoon at five o'clock, at his condominium's function room, my immediate family (Parents, siblings) arrived at the place first. Even Brandon wasn't down yet! A frustrated me sat on the chair and whipped out his PSP, killing time and drifting into another world.
Soon after, he and his bro and father hurried down from their condo, and set up all the food for later. "Hey, happy birthday." That was what I said to him as he jumped about. He is quite active.
He said thanks then went to play with my other cousins who just arrived.
After 15 minutes of "catching", at around 6 plus, we had our dinner. The food was delicious, with me consuming many burritos, sushis and satays.
At seven, they went to the playground to play. I was asked to watch over them. Of course, I wasn't happy about it and complained, but ended up going anyway.
This is them squeezing each other on the slide. Watching them have a good time together, with me there made me feel very content. That I was their cousin at their birthday, having a good time with my family. Apparently to them the slide is quite fun but I didn't share the same idea.
After which one of my relatives came and scolded Ian, one of my more cheekier cousins, for leading them to run around the swimming pool when a handful of them could not swim. Oh well...so much for their spree.
At half past eight, we went up to their condo for some coffee and cake.
We gathered around the living room and laughed about past events, then cut the cake and had some light refreshments. After that, we talked about many happenings of late.
Then at ten o'clock, we said our goodbyes and went home. Dang tired.
That's that.
Posted by Shawn at 10:18 PM 0 comments